Conducting Polymer Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries


Conducting Polymer Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Shubham Singh, Sheenam Thatai, Parul Khurana, Christine Jeyaseelan and Dinesh Kumar

Sodium ion batteries (SIBs) are the sign of the future success available as another charge storage element due to the availability of plenty of sodium resources. Conducting polymer provides a great opportunity in the development of electrode material for these batteries. They are oligomer, easily processable, flexible, low weight and composed of units such as an aromatic or heteroaromatic ring. They are active redox species and are highly thermally stable up to 600°C. Conductive polymers well as its derivative have long cycle life, high surface area, high energy and power densities. In this chapter the development and properties of these batteries are discussed.

SIBs, Conducting Polymer, Electrode Material, Polyacetylene, Polyaniline, Polyphenylene

Published online 5/20/2020, 24 pages

Citation: Shubham Singh, Sheenam Thatai, Parul Khurana, Christine Jeyaseelan and Dinesh Kumar, Conducting Polymer Electrodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 76, pp 159-182, 2020


Part of the book on Sodium-Ion Batteries

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