Wall Paintings from The Roman City of Volubilis in Morocco: XRF, Raman and FTIR-ATR Analyses

Wall Paintings from The Roman City of Volubilis in Morocco: XRF, Raman and FTIR-ATR Analyses

Imane FIKRI, Mohamed EL AMRAOUI, Mustapha HADDAD, Ahmed Saleh ETTAHIRI, Christophe FALGUERES, Ludovic BELLOT-GURLET, Taibi LAMHASNI, Saadia AIT LYAZIDI, Lahcen BEJJIT

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Abstract The work is an in-depth investigation of painting remains from the roman city of Volubilis in Morocco, classified World Heritage. Raman and ATR-FTIR structural and XRF elemental spectroscopies were crossed to decrypt the pigments adopted by roman craftsmen in the south Mediterranean region. Red-ochre alone or in admixture with cinnabar was used in brown-red paintings, while yellow ochre, green earth and Egyptian blue pigments were used to achieve yellow, green and blue ones. All pigments highlighted had been commonly used in the roman world, among which some ones continue until the medieval period in Morocco. In addition to documenting built heritage in Morocco, the results provide a helpful background for archaeologists interested in Roman sites around the Mediterranean space.

Volubilis, Roman Period-Morocco, Wall-Paintings, Pigments, Vibrational and XRF Spectroscopies

Published online 3/15/2024, 7 pages
Copyright © 2024 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Imane FIKRI, Mohamed EL AMRAOUI, Mustapha HADDAD, Ahmed Saleh ETTAHIRI, Christophe FALGUERES, Ludovic BELLOT-GURLET, Taibi LAMHASNI, Saadia AIT LYAZIDI, Lahcen BEJJIT, Wall Paintings from The Roman City of Volubilis in Morocco: XRF, Raman and FTIR-ATR Analyses, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 40, pp 160-166, 2024

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644903117-17

The article was published as article 17 of the book Mediterranean Architectural Heritage

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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