Computational Modeling of PM-HIP Capsule Filling and Consolidation by DEM-FEA Coupling

Computational Modeling of PM-HIP Capsule Filling and Consolidation by DEM-FEA Coupling

S. Sobhani, M. Albert, D. Gandy, A. Tabei, A. Fan

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Abstract. Power Metallurgy Hot Isostatic Pressing (PM-HIP) is a manufacturing process, capable of producing net shape or near net shape components with complicated geometries from materials that are often difficult to cast and/or deform. However, the post-HIP quality and requirement of any additional process, such as machining, depends on the design and geometric complexity of the capsule. First of a kind geometry often requires several iterations of prototype builds. Considering the cost and long durations of HIP cycles, usage of computer models in order to predict parameters for an optimal capsule design of a PM-HIP process which produces a sound product in the first trial is extremely valuable. In this study, the pre-consolidation capsule filling process is simulated by Discrete Element Method (DEM) to capture the initial relative density. Finite element analysis (FEA) modeling of HIP, which includes a combined constitutive model based on compressive and consolidative mechanical behavior of powder uses the DEM results as input. Accuracy of the simulation tool is confirmed by comparing against a corresponding physical PM capsule fabrication and HIP experiment with pre- and post-HIP 3D scanning. The result shows that consolidation occurs as the model predicts, with negligible deviations on sharp edges.

Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP), Modeling, Discrete Element Method, Finite Element Analysis, Capsule Filling

Published online 12/8/2023, 9 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: S. Sobhani, M. Albert, D. Gandy, A. Tabei, A. Fan, Computational Modeling of PM-HIP Capsule Filling and Consolidation by DEM-FEA Coupling, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 38, pp 141-149, 2023


The article was published as article 20 of the book Hot Isostatic Pressing

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