The properties of bimetallic multi-layer (C45 and S235JR) and the multi-layer steel made by forging

The properties of bimetallic multi-layer (C45 and S235JR) and the multi-layer steel made by forging

Ioana Monica SAS-BOCA , Dan Ioan FRUNZA, Dana Adriana ILUȚIU-VARVARA, Istvan TOMA

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Abstract. In this paper are presented the results of the research on properties and behavior of hot-forged bimetallic multi-layer material (C45-S235JR) compared to the properties and behavior of hot-forged multi-layer materials C45 and S235JR. The material was layered by successive manual hot forging to form 36-layers of the billets. Thus, it has been attempted to obtain superior materials in terms of properties, to withstand the demands they are subjected to. It has also been tried by stratification, obtaining results particularly relevant for resilience testing, where the different layer breakage occurs at higher strengths and has a high malleability. The microstructure of multi-layered materials was investigated in this paper and the mechanical properties were studied by tensile testing and Charpy impact testing. The Brinell micro-hardness has also been studied.

Multi-layer, Bimetallic material, Forging

Published online 11/5/2018, 7 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Ioana Monica SAS-BOCA , Dan Ioan FRUNZA, Dana Adriana ILUȚIU-VARVARA, Istvan TOMA, ‘The properties of bimetallic multi-layer (C45 and S235JR) and the multi-layer steel made by forging’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 8, pp 11-17, 2018


The article was published as article 2 of the book Powder Metallurgy and Advanced Materials

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