Non-Conventional Materials in Civil Construction: A Case Study in Curvelo – Mg


Non-Conventional Materials in Civil Construction: A Case Study in Curvelo – Mg

M.C.R. Carvalho, A.C. Estevão, P.B. Fialho, L. Alves, L.E.C. Cordeiro, E.P. Cardoso, T.A. Figueiredo

Abstract. The search for a sustainable civil construction encourages research on the use of alternative products, which are a result of renewable materials and industrial and domestic waste, known as non-conventional materials (NOCMAT). This paper shows a research in progress in Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), whose objectives are to check the use of NOCMAT in existing constructions in Curvelo/Brazil, and to analyze difficulties found using NOCMAT more frequently. Lastly, this research intends to divulge knowledge about NOCMAT among constructors, students and teachers of courses offered by CEFET-MG. The following materials were selected for this research: PET bottles, bamboo, soil and low environmental impact cementitious materials. The first step of the methodology is the theoretical research about the materials. The second step is to identify constructors in the city and carry out interviews to verify how much these materials are used and the difficulties in adopting them. The third step will be to catalog, organize and illustrate the research in the format of a digital booklet. The fourth step will be the digital booklet distribution for the academic community and constructors in the city. In addition, an online research will be done to identify aspects which could be improved. The last step will be a final revision of the digital booklet and its distribution. The digital booklet will allow easy access to the results of the research, which might encourage the use of NOCMAT in a greater scale in the city of Curvelo.

PET Bottles, Bamboo, Soil Construction, Cementitious Materials, Booklet

Published online , 6 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: M.C.R. Carvalho, A.C. Estevão, P.B. Fialho, L. Alves, L.E.C. Cordeiro, E.P. Cardoso, T.A. Figueiredo, ‘Non-Conventional Materials in Civil Construction: A Case Study in Curvelo – Mg’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 750-755, 2018


The article was published as article 73 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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