Electrochemical Differences on the Passivity State of Reinforced Concrete for Two Concrete Design Methods


Electrochemical Differences on the Passivity State of Reinforced Concrete for Two Concrete Design Methods

J.A. Briceño-Mena, M. Balancán-Zapata, P. Castro-Borges

Abstract. This work aims to detect, through electrochemical information, differences in the passivity state of reinforced concrete specimens manufactured with two different concrete design methods: the method one (M1) considers the ultimate resistance of the element and the method two (M2) considers the accommodation of the aggregates in the final element. There is a diversity of methods in codes and standards that provide information about the proportion of aggregates and cement content, based on the materials conditions and mechanical resistance of the final element. However, there is a few information about durability issues of reinforced concrete structures (RC) made in accordance with those methods and their differences during the passivation state. Small 150x150x300 mm beams with 6 rods embedded at 15, 20 and 30 mm and two water/cement (w/c) ratios of 0.65 and 0.45 for each method were made with Composed Portland Cement (CPC 30R). They were exposed in a tropical marine environment at 50 m from the sea in the north of Yucatan Peninsula, during a period of 700 days (passivity state). Corrosion rate, corrosion potential, resistivity, and internal conditions (relative humidity and temperature) measurements were performed periodically. In general, the beams designed with M2 behaved similar during the passivity state regardless the depth of cover, the w/c ratio and also the M1 method perse.

Concrete design method, corrosion, electrochemical monitoring, concrete internal conditions, marine environment.

Published online , 12 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: J.A. Briceño-Mena, M. Balancán-Zapata, P. Castro-Borges, ‘Electrochemical Differences on the Passivity State of Reinforced Concrete for Two Concrete Design Methods’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 592-603, 2018

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781945291838-57

The article was published as article 57 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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