Shape-Control Synthesis and Photocatalytic Applications of CeO2 to Remediate Organic Pollutant Containing Wastewater: A Review


Shape-Control Synthesis and Photocatalytic Applications of CeO2 to Remediate Organic Pollutant Containing Wastewater: A Review

K.J. Shah, P.C. Chang

Shape-control ceria (CeO2) nanomaterial has drawn more attention in recent years due to their excellent physicochemical properties and applications. The method of shape-controlling synthesis of metal nano-catalysts are determined by the necessities of the application. Present review focused on the brief description of current research activities and their emphasis on the synthesis approaches of shape-controlled of CeO2 nanostructures and their wastewaters treatment applications. Most of the favorable strategies of shape-controlled synthesis of CeO2 nanomaterial applicable for photocatalysis degradation of organic pollutant containing wastewater treatments are divided into the following three sections: (i) the use of a shaped CeO2 nanomaterial; (ii) doped CeO2 nanomaterials with other materials; and (iii) CeO2 as a dopant in many materials. In the last part of review, we have provided challenges associated with shape-control synthesis of CeO2 nanomaterials.

Ceria (CeO2) Nanomaterial, Photocatalysis, Shape-controlled Synthesis, Dye Degradation

Published online 2/25/2018, 27 pages


Part of Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Environmental Applications

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