Nanomaterials for Leather Production


Nanomaterials for Leather Production

Uswatun Hasanah, Muhammed Shah Miran, Md. Mominul Islam

Leather is used to make various daily life goods including footwear, clothing, automobile seats, furniture, etc. from prehistoric time. Various defects can occur either due to failure of controlling the factors of processing or due to low grade of raw material or both. The tanned leathers are, before use, necessarily being passed through different processes including re-tanning, filling, coating the surface with dyes, and other functional materials for protecting the surface of leather. Nanoparticles of natural and synthetic polymers, metal ions, metal oxides, metal etc. have been used for finishing tanned leather in providing them adequate quality as per the demand of buyers. In this chapter, the potential of using nanomaterials in different steps of leather processing and finishing are focused.

Leather Processing, Nanoparticles, Nano-preservation, Nano-tannage, Nano-dying, Nanofinishing

Published online , 30 pages

Citation: Uswatun Hasanah, Muhammed Shah Miran, Md. Mominul Islam, Nanomaterials for Leather Production, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 148, pp 170-199, 2023


Part of the book on Applications of Emerging Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

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