Nonlinear elastic stress triaxiality dependent constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composites

Nonlinear elastic stress triaxiality dependent constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composites

OBID Štefan, HALILOVIČ Miroslav, STARMAN Bojan

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Abstract. A novel constitutive model is proposed to describe fibre-reinforced polymer composite materials. The model covers three fundamental phenomena of such materials: anisotropy, tension-compression asymmetry, and nonlinear material behaviour. The model is based on the one-dimensional Ramberg-Osgood relation, which is extended to a multiaxial anisotropic form. Tension-compression asymmetry is then implemented with the introduction of stress triaxiality dependency. Finally, the model is verified using experimental data where the material response in uniaxial tension, uniaxial compression and shear stress states were measured.

Constitutive Model, Stress Triaxiality Dependency, Anisotropic Material

Published online 4/19/2023, 10 pages
Copyright © 2023 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: OBID Štefan, HALILOVIČ Miroslav, STARMAN Bojan, Nonlinear elastic stress triaxiality dependent constitutive model for fibre-reinforced polymer composites, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 28, pp 1387-1396, 2023


The article was published as article 150 of the book Material Forming

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