Ensuring the Durability of Oil-Producing Pumps Through the Use of Laser Spraying Technology, color print, paperback


The book focuses on the causes of failures of oil producing pumps as a result of the aggressive action of the oil-producing environment.

Ensuring the Durability of Oil-Producing Pumps Through the Use of Laser Spraying Technology
V.V. Savinkin, O.V. Ivanova, A.V. Sandu, S.N. Kolisnichenko
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 144
Publication Date 2023, 126 Pages
Print ISBN 978-1-64490-234-9  (release date March 2023)
ePDF ISBN 978-1-64490-235-6
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644902356

The book focuses on the causes of failures of oil producing pumps as a result of the aggressive action of the oil-producing environment. To ensure a good durability of the pumps, the application of laser spraying technology is investigated.

Oil Pumping Complexes, Oil Fluids, Gas Dynamic Analysis, Downhole Pumps, Calculation of Cutting Modes, Causes of Failures, Wear Mechanisms, Gas-Dynamic Calculation, Simulation Flow Software, Laser Spraying, Internal Surfaces, Electric Centrifugal Pumping, Rod Depth Pump, Non-Standard Pumps, Causes of Malfunctions, Restoring Pump Operability, Salt Deposition Inhibitors, Laser Source, Boring Head, Small-Diameter Structures
