Analysis of Pressure Distribution in Non-Contacting Impulse Gas Face Seals

Analysis of Pressure Distribution in Non-Contacting Impulse Gas Face Seals

BŁASIAK Slawomir and TAKOSOGLU Jakub

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Abstract. Strict norms regarding the emission of harmful substances into the natural environment impose stringent requirements on engineers designing sealing units, especially when designing new mechanical seals. This especially concerns mechanical non-contacting seals with various surface layer modifications. Complex mathematical models that enable analyzing complex physical phenomena are developed to support the designing works. The presented paper includes specification of the impulse gas face seals mathematical model which takes into consideration the non-linear Reynolds equation. The mathematical model was solved based on the author’s computer program developed in the C++ language, thereby enabling a series of numerical tests and analyses on the phenomena taking place in the radial clearance during the seal’s operation. The paper also includes the final conclusions and a series of features specific for the subject impulse gas face seals.

Impulse Gas Face Seals, Dynamic, Reynolds Equation, Numerical Method

Published online 7/20/2022, 8 pages
Copyright © 2022 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: BŁASIAK Slawomir and TAKOSOGLU Jakub, Analysis of Pressure Distribution in Non-Contacting Impulse Gas Face Seals, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 24, pp 254-261, 2022


The article was published as article 37 of the book Terotechnology XII

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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