Carbon Nanomaterials Beyond Graphene for Solar Cell and Electrochemical Sensing


Carbon Nanomaterials Beyond Graphene for Solar Cell and Electrochemical Sensing

Fethi Achi, Abdellah Henni, Sabah Menaa, Amira Bensana

Carbon-based nanomaterials have different structures with excellent physical and electronic properties. Graphene and carbon nanomaterials are widely used in sensing areas due to its high positive effect on the response of modified electrodes. Their presence increases sensitivities and gives the lower detection limits and enhances the analytical performance of biosensors for food safety and environmental monitoring. In addition, carbon nanomaterials play an important role for the good exploitation of solar energy by developing new structures of silicon-based photovoltaic cells. In this work we report the effect of the most recent graphene and carbon nonmaterial used for electrochemical detection of substances. This chapter also presents an overview of solar cell synthesis using graphene and carbon nanomaterials.

Carbon, Nanomaterials, Graphene, Solar Cells, Reduced Graphene Oxide, Food Safety, Environmental Monitoring

Published online 11/15/2020, 24 pages

Citation: Fethi Achi, Abdellah Henni, Sabah Menaa, Amira Bensana, Carbon Nanomaterials Beyond Graphene for Solar Cell and Electrochemical Sensing, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 88, pp 62-85, 2021


Part of the book on Materials for Solar Cell Technologies I

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