Microalgae–Microbial Fuel Cell


Microalgae–Microbial Fuel Cell

Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Ashok Pandey, Kooloth Valapil Prajeesh

Pollution of the environment associated with increased population along with energy consumption and the projected reduction of fossil fuels highlights the necessities for sustainable, cost-effective eco-friendly bio-energy sources. The latest research on microalgae revealed that algal biomass has promising technologies for biofuel production, high-value product development, carbon sequestration and wastewater treatment. However, the latest application of microalgal biomass is its use as microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Microalgae-based microbial fuel cells (mMFCs) are used as a device that can convert energy from sunlight into electrical energy through biological pathways. This chapter is aimed to highlight the advantages of microalgae for power generation in MFCs, factors influencing electricity production from algae, and future perspectives of mMFCs.

Microalgae, Microbial Fuel Cells, Bioenergy, Algal Biomass

Published online 2/21/2019, 20 pages

Citation: Sabeela Beevi Ummalyma, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Ashok Pandey, Kooloth Valapil Prajeesh, Microalgae–Microbial Fuel Cell, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 46, pp 1-20, 2019

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900116-1

Part of the book on Microbial Fuel Cells

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