Fuel Cell Electrochemistry


Fuel Cell Electrochemistry

Fatma Aydin Unal, Hakan Burhan, Neslihan Karaman, Kubilay Arıkan, Bahar Simsek, Burcu Akyıldız, Fatih Şen

Fuel cells can be defined as devices which convert chemical energy into electrical energy. They have a potential capability for promising energy systems. Especially, as a clean and renewable energy source, fuel cells have very significant importance. There are many types of fuel cells such as alcohol, hydrogen, biofuel cells etc. This chapter examines the general electrochemistry of fuel cells. Furthermore, the basis of a fuel cell, fuel cell chemistry, substrates and potentials, electrochemistry, types of the electrode, potentiostats have been examined in detail. Besides, the electrochemistry characterization techniques, polarisation and power curves, microbial fuel cell and their reactions, limitations of the electrochemical reactions are also described in detail.

Electrochemistry, Fuel Cell Electrochemistry, Microbial Fuel Cell, Fuel Cell Reaction

Published online 2/21/2019, 36 pages

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900079-4

Part of the book on Enzymatic Fuel Cells

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