Efficient Modeling of PM HIP for Very Large NNS Parts (up to 2.5 Meter Diameter) and Key Physical, Material and Technological Parameters to Control Dimensional Scattering in a 15 mm Range

Efficient Modeling of PM HIP for Very Large NNS Parts (up to 2.5 Meter Diameter) and Key Physical, Material and Technological Parameters to Control Dimensional Scattering in a 15 mm Range

Gerard Raisson, Vassily Goloveshkin, Anton Ponomarev, Andrey Bochkov, Yuri Kozyrev

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Abstract: To get via PM HIP a 2.5 meter diameter or even larger part in a Near Net Shape (NNS) configuration at the first attempt with a 15 mm max over thickness is a very challenging task. However, its solution will enable production of such parts for various critical applications. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to increase precision of HIP modeling. Our analysis has shown that rather than to work on constitutive equations, it is more efficient to improve the consistency of the data base of rheological properties for the powder and capsule materials and more particularly at the first step of HIP cycle which controls heat conductivity. Also it is necessary to account additional effects of the strain rate hardening for the capsule material and of the initial packing density for the powder. Independently of modeling, it is necessary to control all parameters generating the dimensional scattering (HIP cycle trajectory, temperature homogeneity, filling and handling of capsules). Modeling helps to define what the most critical parameters are and what dimensional tolerances can be respected.

HIP Modeling Data Identification, HIP Dilatometer

Published online 2/11/2019, 14 pages
Copyright © 2019 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Gerard Raisson, Vassily Goloveshkin, Anton Ponomarev, Andrey Bochkov, Yuri Kozyrev, Efficient Modeling of PM HIP for Very Large NNS Parts (up to 2.5 Meter Diameter) and Key Physical, Material and Technological Parameters to Control Dimensional Scattering in a 15 mm Range, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 10, pp 210-223, 2019

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21741/9781644900031-28

The article was published as article 28 of the book Hot Isostatic Pressing

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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