Classical Thermoset Epoxy Composites for Structural Purposes: Designing, Preparation, Properties and Applications


Classical Thermoset Epoxy Composites for Structural Purposes: Designing, Preparation, Properties and Applications

A.E. Kolosov, E.P. Kolosova, V.V. Vanin, Anish Khan

Classical thermosetting epoxy composites for structural purpose, along with nanocomposites, are now widely used in various industries. An epoxy matrix is considered as a dominant polymer matrix in the design of such composites due to its study, high performance and wide commercial use. The optimization of processes and design and technological parameters of the equipment for their molding and processing of the polymer composite materials (PCMs), as well as the creation of PCMs with a predetermined set of properties, remains an urgent task nowadays. Equally important problems are the production of defect-free and monolithic structures of such composites while increasing the productivity of their molding. Particular attention is paid to low-frequency ultrasonic as a basic method of physical modification of the liquid epoxy media and intensification of the processes of capillary impregnation and “wet” winding.

Thermoset, Epoxy, Composite, Prepreg, Modeling, Design, Technology, Ultrasonic

Published online 10/1/2018, 40 pages


Part of the book on Thermoset Composites

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