Performance Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitors in Pore Solution and Reinforced Concrete for Carbon Steel CA 50


Performance Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitors in Pore Solution and Reinforced Concrete for Carbon Steel CA 50

A.O. Domínguez, M.M. Mennucci b, D.C.C. Dal Molin

Abstract. The aim of this work is to study the best performance in between sodium nitrite, sodium phosphate and ethanolamine as corrosion inhibitors of steel bars in the simulated concrete pore solution and then test it in the concrete. The effectiveness of these compounds as corrosion inhibitors was investigated by measuring the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of steel bars immersed for 3 and 72 hours in solutions with and without chlorides. The results showed that higher performance was observed in the presence of the sodium nitrite. So, for the second stage of this work was chosen just sodium nitrite. Samples were taken of concrete reinforced with the addition of sodium nitrite and contaminated with chlorides. For this purpose, were selected two Brazilian types of cements CP-IV (pozzolan) and CP-V and three water/cement ratios (w/c 0.4; w/c 0.5; w/c 0.65). To simulate the marine environment aggression, chlorides accelerated tests were conducted. Even if one is liquid (pore solution) and another is solid (concrete), in both tests, the nitrite had increased efficiency with the exposure time.

Corrosion Inhibitor, Corrosion, Chlorides, Pore Solution, Concrete

Published online , 12 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: A.O. Domínguez, M.M. Mennucci b, D.C.C. Dal Molin, ‘Performance Analysis of Corrosion Inhibitors in Pore Solution and Reinforced Concrete for Carbon Steel CA 50’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 428-439, 2018


The article was published as article 40 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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