Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific and Technical Papers within NOCMAT 1984-2015 International Conferences


Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific and Technical Papers within NOCMAT 1984-2015 International Conferences

P. Ohayon, R.A. Sharafi, K. Ghavami, C.P.M. Siqueira

Abstract. The last International Conference on Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies held in Canada in 2015 presented more than 130 new articles among different NOCMAT themes, showing that there is a great number of scientific and technical studies being developed. 1,399 papers have been presented along the 15 International Conferences, since the first one held in Brazil, in 1984. The series of NOCMAT have proven to be a leading forum where scholars, governmental and non-governmental agencies, practitioners exchange innovations of low energy cement technologies, new ecological materials and systems such as bamboo and natural fibers. The accelerated rhythm in which the results of the research on NOCMAT are applied in practice is not at a desired speed. This is principally due to the conventional materials and technologies imported from industrialized countries which are dominating the economy, financial, administrative, and human resources in developing countries. NOCMAT projects which benefited from an unconditional enthusiasm by researchers are seen by the community as suspicious not because of their “few” results but of their “any” results obtained. To show the reliability and durability of the newly developed materials and technologies, in addition to the results obtained in the laboratories, large scale constructions should be built and permanently monitored, requiring higher and continued investments from sponsoring agencies and private organizations. The general objective of this article is to analyze the betweenness of researches presented within all the thematic areas of the NOCMAT Conferences. It presents a bibliometric analysis of the network created, mapping the actors (nodes) and its relations (edges) by participating authors, involved Institutions; participating Countries and Year, and NOCMAT Themes, along the last 31 years.

NOCMAT Themes, International Conferences, Papers, Bibliometric Analysis

Published online , 20 pages
Copyright © 2018 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: P. Ohayon, R.A. Sharafi, K. Ghavami, C.P.M. Siqueira, ‘Bibliometric Analysis of Scientific and Technical Papers within NOCMAT 1984-2015 International Conferences’, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 7, pp 214-233, 2018


The article was published as article 20 of the book Non-Conventional Materials and Technologies

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