Palm Secondary Products as a Source of Organic Material for Compost Production: Applied Examples from Egypt

Palm Secondary Products as a Source of Organic Material for Compost Production: Applied Examples from Egypt

Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed

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Abstract. The increasing amounts of fruit pruning wastes in local societies of Egypt cause environmental problems closely related to human health. Its utilization as renewable materials has received a great attention in our present days and encouraged the use of it as an organic fertilizer. Composting these wastes not only reduces their weight and volume but also produces high-value-added products (compost). Manure is the most common organic and natural fertilizer form in our Egyptian rural Village. Due to the high cost of chemical fertilizers and the increase of organic fertilizers demand, it is necessary to use the local crop residues, “Palm Secondary Products” (PSP) as a basic (raw) material which contains 92.99% organic matter. Compost manufacturing provides successfully produce an organic fertilizer from available waste in each region which serves as both fertilizers and soil conditioners. In this study, we present Egyptian examples of the recycling of date palm pruning products mixed with other organic wastes in small scale (Faris rural village, Kom-Ombo, Aswan Governorate and Mandisha village, Baheria oases, Giza Governorate) and in large scale (Al-Kharga, New Valley Governorate).

pruning products, composting, Date Palm Residues, Doum Palm residues

Published online 4/20/2019, 10 pages
Copyright © 2019 by the author(s)
Published under license by Materials Research Forum LLC., Millersville PA, USA

Citation: Mohamed Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed, Palm Secondary Products as a Source of Organic Material for Compost Production: Applied Examples from Egypt, Materials Research Proceedings, Vol. 11, pp 150-158, 2019


The article was published as article 10 of the book By-Products of Palm Trees and Their Applications

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.

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