Electrochemical Nanobiosensors for Cancer Diagnosis


Electrochemical Nanobiosensors for Cancer Diagnosis

Anu Bharti, Shilpa Rana, Nirmal Prabhakar

Modern lifestyle has invited many devastating diseases like cancer to mankind. Cancer has become a huge threat to the population and its diagnosis being expensive and time-consuming gives an indication of the need to develop cost-effective and reliable detection methods. This chapter focuses on various electrochemical nano biosensors established for the detection of commonly occurring cancers (lung, breast, prostate and colorectal). It has been divided into four major parts that emphasize the detailed biosensor fabrication strategies utilized for the detection of biomarkers related to particular cancer type. Recently developed electrochemical techniques based on different bio-recognition elements (antibody, enzyme, nucleic acid, aptamer, phage and lectin) and nanomaterials have been explored with their advantages and limitations.

Electrochemical Biosensors, Lung Cancer, Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Biomarkers

Published online 3/25/2019, 54 pages

Citation: Anu Bharti, Shilpa Rana, Nirmal Prabhakar, Electrochemical Nanobiosensors for Cancer Diagnosis, Materials Research Foundations, Vol. 47, pp 157-210, 2019

DOI: https://doi.org/10.21741/9781644900130-5

Part of the book on Biosensors

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